Wednesday, July 1, 2009

My Favorite Dartmouth Professor!

I agree that it is very tough to answer this question. I've been able to take classes in many different departments and meet lots of professors with different teaching styles, approaches, and interests. If I have to choose, Prof. Soyica Diggs Colbert is probably the professor who I've enjoyed the most.

Professor Colbert is fairly new to Dartmouth, this being her second year teaching. She's young and a lot of students appreciate having a teacher who makes current references for instance, to popular music (Beyonce, Kanye, etc)!

I took "Black Theater" with Prof. Colbert in my first term at Dartmouth. She is an English Professor but her research interests focus on representations of black performance so she teaches in the Theater Department also. This course engaged plays written by African Americans from slavery up through modern times. Pulitzer Prize-winning playwright Suzan Lori-Parks was a guest lecturer whose works we read when the course shifted to contemporary black drama. (It was the first time I've ever gotten chills hearing someone speak!...So Inspiring!)

What I enjoyed the most is that Prof. Colbert encouraged us to use creative mediums to demonstrate our analyses of the texts. (We weren't required to write only.) For our final project students used song, poetry, acting, and other forms of creative interpretation to present major themes of the course. After taking Professor Colbert's class I became more involved in extra-curricular drama organizations at Dartmouth.

Here is Professor Colbert's Website:

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