Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Skiing, Sledding, and Snowball Fights!!

The last time I was able to do a winter activity at Dartmouth was during my sophomore year (I spent last winter in Thailand). That winter I decided to take advantage of most of the winter activities. I went skiing for the first time and although it was challenging, I had a great time. I plan to try snowboarding this year. I also went sledding on the golf course which was so much fun. My friends and I would have different competitions like who could go the furthest or who would reach the bottom of the hill first. I also tried to go skating on Occum pond, but unfortunately it didn't work out. Hopefully, I'll have better luck this year.

Although this isn't really a sport, you cannot forget about snowball fights! The first snowfall is always the most epic because the entire campus gets to partake in it. A mass email is sent out to everyone telling them to meet on the green (the main lawn in the center of campus) at midnight for the first snowball fight of the year.

Because of all the activities that I got involved in, my winter term was amazing. It is fun and exciting to be able to feel like a kid again and not have to worry about the real world (i.e. graduating in 6 months and trying to find a job, yikes!)

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