Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Reading Intern

My freshman summer I decided to be a reading intern at a summer camp in Baltimore, MD called SuperKids. I found this internship through a Dartmouth Alum's mom who runs the program. My job was to help strengthen the reading skills of 1st and 2nd graders by teaching a class of about 10 of them. Every night I had to prepare a lesson plan that would involve the kids practicing different vowel sounds and reading short stories that had these specific sounds in them. The hardest part of this job was making the kids pay attention because it was the summer time, so I had to find creative ways to make the lesson plans fun. To supplement the classroom learning, enrichment programs would take place every afternoon. These programs consisted of going to the harbor and learning about pieces on a ship, playing games outside to learn about the environment, learning music notes to understand sound, etc...

This internship was one of my favorite experiences because it not only helped me become less timid, but it also allowed me to have a positive impact on someone's life. I am from Baltimore, so for me to be able to give back to the future leaders of my city was a good feeling : ).

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