Monday, March 1, 2010

Just a normal plane ride right?

So here is one tip I always jokingly tell prospective students whenever I discuss the alumni network at Dartmouth: never wear Dartmouth gear at the airport if you don't feel like talking to anyone about Dartmouth or if you know you will be running late for your plane flight.

Any time I wear Dartmouth gear at the airport, I am very likely to bump into someone who has attended Dartmouth before and wants to know all about how my experience is at their alma mater. I was actually almost late for my flight because an alumnus wanted to stop and talk to me about how Dartmouth was going.

The most recent experience I have had with alumni in airports was actually on my trip back to Dartmouth after my winter break. I meet a young alumnus, an '02, who is working in Washington, DC. We were actually sitting across from each other and she noticed my Dartmouth gear. We ended up chatting for a long while about how things were different, what were the same, how she loved her experience, what I should do with the rest of my time at Dartmouth and much more.

Even though this is just one experience with one alumnus, I really believe that all Dartmouth alumni act a like, the moment they see you, they want to talk, share expierences, exchange their card with you and keep in contact.The alumnus I met on the plan is now my Facebook friend for instance. I believe that Dartmouth alumni definitely want to make sure that they keep up a connection between them and current Dartmouth students. Which is what makes Dartmouth alumni amazing people who you want to get to meet!

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