Monday, June 29, 2009

Who is your favorite Professor and why?

Each week, one of the Admissions Bloggers will post a question on the blog. During the week, you may see responses in the form of blog posts appear above. This week the question is "Who is your favorite Professor and why?"

Maybe you took a great class or maybe they have never taught you at all but you just love them beyond words. Either way, let the world know who and why!

In my case, I really enjoyed my first-year writing class with Professor Marlene Heck. The class was a writing seminar on the Founding Fathers, and as a lecturer in Art History and History, she brought a unique perspective to the class. Her passion is architectural and social history from the revolutionary period, so we managed to have long discussion about Thomas Jefferson and Monticello, his famous home. I remember one class period in which the class went to the Rauner Special Collections Library here on campus and the staff pulled out a number of rare books and artifacts from the Founding Fathers, including a large stack of letters between Franklin, Jefferson, Madison. The subject of the course really came alive for me when looking at Benjamin Franklin's signature first hand.

The class was an excellent introduction to writing in college and Professor Heck was always available if I had any questions. Even after the class, she agreed to write a number of recommendations when I was applying for internships, scholarships and Dartmouth leadership positions. In class, she demanded we move our tables and chairs into a circle to promote more discussion. Rarely, if ever, did Prof. Heck lecture to us. As a class, we churned through biographies of historical figures and discussed the formation of the ideals that became the foundation for the US government. What I remember and appreciate most from that course are the passionate class discussions and Prof. Heck's ability to both lead the class but also let us explore the subject our own way.

Check out Professor Heck's web page.

Who has been your favorite Prof. at Dartmouth and why?

Prospective students: feel free to comment below with anything or contact us with any questions!

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