Tuesday, March 9, 2010


So I know I am from the Northeast, but the highlight of my winter term has been skiing as much as possible, both at the Dartmouth Skiway and traveling up north with friends to Stowe, VT. It's great to have the Skiway so close for those quick doses of skiing, but also nice to go on a bit of a road trip with friends up to one of the best ski mountains in New England. Whether or not you know how to ski before coming to Dartmouth, you will almost certainly get out on the slopes at least a few times, and chances are, end up loving it. Oh and it helps that all of the local ski areas have student discounts...use them while you can!

Picture credit: http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2678/4272949472_1de1b6d1e4_o.jpg

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